When is the right time for a company to invest in data security?


In this Knowledge Pill Prithvi Rai and Suchit Mishra answer the question “When is the right time for a company to invest in data security?” and they give insights into the reality of implementing a data security process.

Companies should think about data security from the beginning, but you have to keep in mind that implementing a data security process depends on a few key things:
• the jurisdiction (where is your company operating)
• the market your company activates in (fintech, health tech, etc.)
• the stage of your company (and if you’ve already started collecting user data or not).

Many leaders misunderstand and think that a security program has to have a security expert leading from day 1, which is not necessary. You could have talented DevOps engineers or software engineers, who already bring in valuable data security practices (or have knowledge about it) and they can kickstart the implementation of a data security process.

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